The truth about Green Jobs

I have been hearing about “green jobs” for too long and I have no idea WTF a “green job” is.

Is there anyone in the wonderful world who can properly define the term or is it yet another hip and cool sound bite we hear from the lips of the media and politicians because we think we want to?
We pay far too much homage to the bullshit that we hear from the media already and most people I know that mirror that crap have no idea of what they are saying.
Luckily, my best of friends don’t think in that train of thought. We all have formal educations and tend to form our own thoughts and opinions in a different manner than most of what I see about any of the current topics which flash by as quick as pop culture.

I think that is most of the problem with most of America. The media runs data over the people of the world in such high volumes it is no less than sound bites and pop culture.
Some female being photographed sans panties is as important as Brad and Angelina and pushes real news to the back until it comes forth in small bites when there is a pause in the onslaught. Political news should be ground to hamburger fare for the gossip news shows to be reduced to content that is easily understood by those that care about whether Britney or Hannah Montana are clothed or responsible role models. Who gives a shit?

CNN, FOX, HLN and MSNBC have already put OBIDEN in the White House. Anytime I watch them they declare that he has won every debate and converted all red states to blue. I have given up on watching the news because it isn’t “news”. It has become cesspools of whatever agenda the networks have to push.

Let’s turn our eyes to energy and the financial crisis…
America has to look into a mirror and point at itself. Each and every one of us. We are all at fault. That is where the finger points – to the mirror. Don’t believe either of those two running for president when they say it will be alright – they are lying assholes. We are staring depression in the face and inflation is holding it’s hand. Taxes will be in the 40- 50 percentile range within five years if not in two.  Someone has to pay for the spending our lawmakers have been reckless with and “someone” always = taxpayers. The bitch is we have a lot to catch up on so we will have to pay a lot to do so.

Look this shit over –

Debt – why do some of you pay over $300 a month for a car? Is it a huge behemoth or a sensible vehicle that gets you and your family around from A to B? If you spend $50 in gas a week you are STUPID. It’s your fault. Get rid of your big pieces of shit and buy a little box. The insurance is cheaper.
Detroit has yet to pull it’s head out of it’s FAT ASS in an attempt in coming close to equaling a Japanese engine that is more efficient than anything you will buy domestically. A Toyota engine will last forever as will a Honda if one maintains it. Will a Ford, Chevy or Dodge engine? ROTFLMFAO!
Yet, they are claiming losses in the millions that the average American citizen cannot. They project revenues they are not meeting and get to take tax losses. How about us? I projected I would earn a million dollars and knew I would never for the year. Can I take a tax cut? Fuck no!

More debt – how many of you dumb asses are carrying around credit cards and owe money on them? WHY? Do you see what kind of shape the US federal government is in? It’s for the same reason. You spend what you don’t have because you want, want, want and spend, spend, spend with no means to pay. Some of you are foreclosing on your mortgages because you agreed to buy a house that was %500 above your means. Yep, you can blame some greedy fuckers for pushing you that way but where were the warning flares that told you not to do so? You keep your cable, satellite and internet and that expensive piece of shit car for some reason. My car is paid for but I need to get rid of pay TV. Why we will need a special receiver for digital next year is but another stroke of illegal night moves we let our elected officials get away with.

Our legislators just passed a trillion dollar band aid for our retarded president – BUSH – to sign into law so the stupid and greedy assholes of this country can be excused of all of their errant ways.
Why do they blame it on Wall street when it is actually the fault of Main street? It’s like SOYLENT GREEN. SOYLENT GREEN is people. The financial crisis is people, not Wall street.

Merchants had better cry poor mouth this Christmas rather than the people of this country going out and buying shit they don’t need and can’t afford. Most would do better to blow off buying Christmas shit for the next couple of years than incurring more debt they can’t afford.

Who sets the price on the barrel of crude oil? Do the oil companies simply make up numbers and tell us what they want just to shaft us or is it really that expensive? I think the oil companies are plainly fucking us over while they rack up record income and profits. Explain that Mr EXXON! Fuck you!

CNG – How many of you are aware of the vast amount of compressed natural gas we have under the soil of this nation? Why doesn’t the US government let Pickens pump that out of the ground so we can use it for energy uses?
Everyone needs electricity, correct? Why not convert every non nuclear or hydraulic power plant to CNG and build pipelines to power them at decreased prices and cleaner emissions?
Here’s one reason – the fucking US government has to put their hands on it and regulate, tax and rubber stamp it all before they figure out a way to fuck us out of the benefits of such a simple plan.
Why can’t we drill for oil in our own country? Because the fucking US federal government – led by the nose by industry and special interest groups – needs to make a buck on it before we can benefit from it.
How in hell did they pass a trillion dollar piece of legislature so quickly?? Someone is out to make a fucking fortune from it just as they do from the $10B a month they send to the illegal war.

Why are we in a war? Is anyone trying to kill Osama fucking Bin Laden? They never had an intention to do so and most of it is a ruse.  The attack on Afghanistan was simpletons using their email to send anti Bin Laden crap around and spinning each other up over nothing. The US government probably started half of the stupid propaganda to keep American citizens at fever pitch. Why is Castro or any other evil entity the USA detests still alive? Qaddafi and Arafat were free to come and go forever. Putin is a pain in the ass as is Kim in Korea. Don’t you think we would’ve figured out some way to pop a cap into their asses by now rather than involve our nation in war?
BUT we can’t do that!! We need bad guys to instill fear and terror. Hussein was like a boil on the neocon idiots asses for some reason. Iran is a bad guy we better not fuck with.

As far as “green jobs”. Has anyone ever researched the difference it would make in this country if the USA cultivated HEMP? We used to at one time until prohibition was over and the federal government didn’t like people smoking weed. Hemp is more efficient than corn for use as a bio-fuel and can make more paper than trees. Levis were made from hemp as linen that rivals cotton can be made from it. It can be used as food.
I haven’t even gotten to the medical uses and getting high. Everyone should smoke dope rather than take the pharmaceutical chemicals we ingest everyday for each and every thing your doctor prescribes them for.

Then there is the court systems and prisons filled with people that merely smoke it. You can get 25 years in jail for possession of less than an oz of weed yet be sent away for 8 years for rape or other sexual crimes.
I find that to be rather fucked up.

You want to know the truth about Green Jobs?
Both MCCAIN and OBIDEN will fuck us – believe it folks- things will never change unless a woman becomes president. I am a man and I know this to be true. Who raised and nurtured you? A woman.
Our mothers are women and have never had the opportunity to run the country though they can do everything else. They did the shitwork your father wouldn’t.  A mother knows tough love – a mix between liberal and conservative.

The only genuine thing I have seen in the 2008 election free-for-all is the naiveté of SARAH PALIN. Many don’t like her because they never heard of her or don’t like her outer beltway way of thinking – mostly due to the fact the media has convinced you not to.
You know what? The Constitution was written with her point of view in mind. The framers of the Constitution didn’t write all of that for a bunch of white haired old men to sit around for life and fuck up the country and/or  the world in they way they have in the past 100 years.
Ever since the depression and on through WWI, WWII, Korea, the Cold War, Watergate, Vietnam and the past two wars about bullshit, the USA has been at the hands of old white haired white men thinking for themselves. They have succeeded at keeping us in a state of fear.

Nothing will change if you put the two male candidates in office in November.

You read it here.

Let’s get a fresh new gang of numb nuts with open minds to go to Washington next time. Ron Paul should have planted a seed of sense in your empty brains, let it sprout and grow.

Politics…my overly simple message still rings true…


I wrote this in August of 2006 and it makes me wonder where all of the RonPaul2008 people were then. I considered this my “grassroots movement” years before I wrote it all out for any to read. This proves to me that though his message is strong Ron Paul is not going to be president. If I can conceive of the same message his minions are falling for why can’t another?

It is not rocket science or brain surgery. Rather, it is the re-education of a lazy and complacent society that willingly assumes their elected officials are “doing something” for them then are shocked and complain about it when they learn otherwise.
Are Ron Paul’s minions ready to carry through with what he has promised? He has vowed to eliminate the IRS and the current system of taxation that now pays for every service our bloated federal government provides for us. Does he mention who will foot the bill for his salary as well as that of everyone that receives a paycheck from the US Government? How about all of the “They ought to do something about that” branches of the federal government that are fueled by tax dollars?
I am not a fan of the taxation system in this country and never have been. I am a baby-boomer that paid into the system my entire working life. I am also old and wise enough to realize our OVERLORDS need funding in some manner to accomplish what they vote to do in the bills they pass for our good.  However, “WE, THE PEOPLE” have yet to institute a system by which the Federal Government should function in a financially responsible manner, much as we would be forced to with the resources we have in our banking accounts. We can’t spend what we don’t have unless we go deep into debt with creditors. Unfortunately, this has happened with far too much of America as well as with the federal government. The present administration is spending money like a horde of teenage girls in a shopping mall with a stolen American Express card.
Sure it all sounds good in the “RAH RAH Pep Rallies” Dr Paul’s followers sense while he is speaking. It seems rather easy to be lulled into how good it would be if we had a colonial sense of government but, think about the population of those colonial times versus 2007.
The USA is just shy of 3 billion citizens currently – the population of the US was roughly one tenth of that number during the American revolution. We’ve allowed an elitist ruling class to become responsible for us in 200 short years. We look to it for our welfare concerning air, food and water qualities and blame it for not doing enough. We look to it for our health and safety concerns of all manners, including national security and public assistance during times of crisis. When it doesn’t work as we expect we point fingers and blame it further.
How about a less radical stance – trimming the fat a little bit at a time? I live in the shadow of DC and have seen it all too well at times. The fat is more evident the closer one is to the epicenter of any corporation or government.

Flat rate taxation sounds good and looks good on paper, correct? Postage stamps increase in price every few years – what will prevent our legislators from bumping up that flat tax rate in the future as they have allowed the cost of postage stamps to increase over the years? Legislation prevents any other interests from become letter handlers as the Postal Service. Why not have some choice in the matter?


Do me a favor and register to vote. Put down your beer and remote controls, grab someone else and go register. You can do it online right now.

Why?? I don’t know how the rest of America interprets the current state of the USA – good, bad?
Do ya like the war? Do ya know why we are there?? Do ya know the total sum of money that has been wasted over in the sand? Do you buy into the propaganda of the spin doctors of the federal government??

Ask yourself this – who are the enemies of the USA and why? Do you agree with Bush’s ongoing mantra of “stay the course”? Are his “enemies” those of the of the USA? Do you believe everything the media has told you about the 9/11
strikes on WTC and the Pentagon? Do any of the conspiracy theories cause you to wonder?
I lived in northern Libya for 3 years – a very Muslim nation – in the early 60s. There was a mosque 100 yards from my bedroom with a minaret that some guy would come out and shout prayers from. I was a tow headed kid who would wave at the guy and shout back – he would wave to me. What did I know of infidels and Muslim versus Christian ideals? They could have killed me any day during the 3 years I lived there. I don’t think about Muslims unless it is a news story that is directed toward me in a very negative fashion by one of the media channels. I have friends that believe all Muslims carry a gun or bomb with which to kill an American and therefore must be killed before they can do such.
Are all Muslims enemies of the USA? I can think of several American citizens elected to public office that have committed crimes against the USA – are they enemies of the state?

As far as Bush…we are protected from him and others like him by the XXII amendment, ratified in 1951. It limits the Pres/VP to two terms. However, we have 535 other individuals that can serve as many terms as their lives or constituents will allow. They are the legislative branch of the US government which happens to be the very same that passed the XXII amendment. Do ya think they would ever do the same to themselves?

This paragraph should be familiar to any American that has a mind of this country’s role in the world at present time. It also begins the rest of the document of what it defines…
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Does anyone else that reading this paragraph notice that it specifically denotes “We the People of the United States” and then ends with “Constitution for the United States of America”?
Where does it specify the rest of the world?

I do not have a weekly column in a periodical nor a television program with which to broadcast my message so I have been trying, in my own “grassroots” manner, to ask people to get out, register to vote and put the government back into the hands of “WE, THE PEOPLE“.
The largest obstacle I face is the common comeback of “my vote doesn’t count”. I will never say it in mixed company – politics is a touchy topic in public –  but, I agree when it comes to the Presidential election. Think back to 2000 and the mess that happened in Florida with the count of the electoral votes in that state. Al Gore won the popular election but lost the electoral. The governor of the state just so happened to be Jeb Bush, younger brother of W. Bush. Not many will say it but that was a crooked deal – how many recounts do we need? Gore was gracious and knows the score…if it smells like shit it is.

Time for reality… There are 3 branches of the federal government – executive, the president/VP, secretaries of who done it and the rest of what is under the white house – legislative, the 435 state representatives and 100 senators that pass bills that become laws and – judicial, the supreme court. Of the 3, the legislative branch is ultimately the most powerful – if they know what they are doing. The votes cast for these 535 seats do count as there is no electoral college involved. These are all decided by popular votes.
WHICH LEADS TO… these 535 seats should not be held by the same people for generations. Isn’t that what this country tried to abolish with the “Declaration of Independance“?
Professional senators and representatives in the same office for 20 years of more wield the same power as dukes, barons or counts of the 18th century. Again, the XXII amendment limited the President to 2 terms for this reason.
Something to ponder…you have no voice in the election process of those from a different state than your own. Ted Kennedy is but one I will use as example for holding office for 40+ years. I do not live in his state and have not a vote – yea or nay – whether he should remain.
These seats should be as revolving doors. One should have a vocation or business that may be vacated for up to two terms so the concerns of different communities and businesses have an opportunity to be represented by more than the status quo. If an individual is drafted to serve in the military, the business that employs them holds that position for them if they want to return. Why not the same for serving in public office?
The “old school” manner of legislation has run its course as the cost of maintaining these legislators has escalated far too high. Salaries average in the $165K+ yearly and they carry most of that with them as yearly pensions after they leave office. The cost of running their many offices – yes, they have a main office on the hill in DC and 1 or more satellite offices that require staffing(at generous salaries) as well as the customary office supply needs. Guess who foots that bill? The junkets that were a given in the past have been scrutinized as a waste for some years.
There is far more waste than I can go into – you have the net at your disposal, look into it.

This “grassroots movement” will require more than just a few adamant voters to make a difference. The whole of America has to be re-educated (basically kicked in the ass) so as to remove ourselves from the complacency that pervades. ie…
“As long as the TV works and beer is available most will sit and go along with the status quo”.
We all know it to be true yet how do we change it?!!

Just two generations ago, people would lose sleep over the outcome of elections because they KNEW the face of the country would change as well. I remember staying up late into the night as a youngster with my father waiting for the full election counts to tally in. To be truthful, this has become a nation whose reflection can be seen as the TV cartoon known around the world as “The Simpsons”. Sure, there are those that don’t fit that mold but one thing I have always said about “The Simpsons” was “it’s funny because it’s true”. Sadly, I think i am paraphrasing a line from Homer.

The beauty of this whole “grassroots” idea is those that feel a need to be elected and make a difference actually can once the idea is rolling. The stipulations to be a legislator are less than that to be president.
From the Constitution…
The president of the United States must
Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
Be at least 35 years of age, and
Be a resident of the United States for at least 14 years.
[U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 2, Paragraph 5]

Senate candidates shall be

at least 30 years of age,
a U.S. citizen for nine years, and
a resident of the state when elected.
[U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 3, Paragraph 3]

House of Representatives candidates shall be

at least 25 years of age,
a U.S. citizen for seven years, and
a resident of the state when elected.
[U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 2]

One hurtle to overcome is the need to raise millions of dollars to campaign for a job that pays $165K.
However, once the re-educated American public gets involved and wants to take back the government and end federal waste, balance the budget and end the affairs that take place behind closed doors the price of admission should reduce.

All of this from my puny little head, correct?

I am more concerned about the future of this country now than ever and the industrial-military faction that serves none but warmongers such as those like Cheney and his Haliburton pals. Isn’t that frightening enough to alter the way we think about politics? Shouldn’t we VOTE for other than “the same old guys” or “the same old party”?

If any has a sticker/magnet displayed anywhere that proclaims “I support our troops” ask yourself what you are supporting.
Do you support a faction of this country that is like a crime mob and their wants to use our armed forces anywhere/anytime for personal gain?
If you actually feel for those that are needlessly dying or facing other hardships in countries we have no reason to be in your support would be to insist they be home now. If you buy into the propaganda of leaving the middle eastern area unstable with millions of terrorists wanting to follow us back you have no knowledge of the history of the middle east and should remove the sticker/magnets as you support the war. To what end? I have no ill will towards our soldiers; my father was a veteran of Korea and Vietnam and I am a military brat. I think more of their welfare and the stupidity of placing them there.

The USA is not an empire nor should we continue in our empirical ways around the world.
Sure, we can be friendly and should trade with other countries but, do we have the right to dictate to others what we feel is right and wrong?
Go back up to the first paragraph of the Constitution and decide after reading it through again.

It is late in coming but, we need to vote out incumbent and impotent legislators with two terms or more to begin to taking the USA government back into the hands of WE, THE PEOPLE.

How hard of a message is that to remember and pass along?

Soylent Green – 2007

Remember the futuristic movie Soylent Green, starring the great Charlton Heston, who learns what the foodstuff of the future is and warns us all by telling us “Soylent Green is people, it’s people!”

That is a very timely thought as in these days we are being told that inanimate objects are responsible for the violence committed by people. There are people that will argue irrationally that “GUNS kill people”.
Actually, that is base propaganda. I will be one that will speak out as did Charlton Heston:
VIOLENT guns is people, it’s people.”

I suppose many of you have seen the television commercials for some credit card company where dozens of pairs of scissors are depicted as piranha waiting to cut up credit cards.
WAIT!! Aren’t scissors merely inanimate objects that need a human hand to perform that action?
So are weapons of any kind. They are designed to be implemented by a human hand with a human thought.

  • Fist
  • Club
  • Knife
  • Spear
  • Ax
  • Mind
  • Paper, Rock , Scissors
  • Gun
  • Bomb
  • Missile

We are violent by nature and rather than just act on instinct we have the ability to think, scheme, plan and ruin everything.
Grizzly bears go to a river when salmon are running to spawn to get something to eat in the here and now. Humans go there with the thought in mind to take 1000 times what we need so we can sell it.
Bears may run each other off of the fishing hole they are at but rarely is the outcome death . Humans would kill each other over the same fact.
Case in point – I have been to Maine a few times in midsummer and along the coastal areas a native plant, the low blueberry bush is producing blueberries that have to be experienced to believe. I have filled my knapsack several times while eating them at the same time.
These plants love the coastal region and people pull over onto the side of the road to pick them.
There are those that now guard these plants while armed so they can make a profit and run people off at gunpoint.

Violent Guns is people folks, Its People!